Sunday, May 20, 2007

Step 1: Get Gonzales out with a no-confidence vote

Looks like the Senate Democrats are going to go forward with a no-confidence vote against AG Gonzales. It's good to see the House and Senate in action regarding Gonzales and the Neocon White House. It's very good to see what appears to be some consciance of House and Senate Republicans as they attempt to put themselves in position for re-election. The blantant coniving to amass more wealth to Big, Big Oil and Halliburton needs to come down to an end.
We as a people, need to gather the brightest in new energy technology in an open-sourced project to end our addiction to oil. We need to oust the Neocons from government including the CIA to get Halliburton off the methodone-like IV to the DOD.
If any Representative or Senator should ever read my blog, I just want to tell you that we are counting on you to produce pro-active democratic action that improves our health, builds our economy and brings harmony globally. We are watching what each one of you are doing to bring a 21st century democracy to the United States.
Our next step will to bring a no-confidence vote against President Bush and Vice President Chaney. Then it will be time for the House and Senate to develop equal footing with the Executive arm of the government with new legislation and a thorough shake-up of the CIA with a new structure and Legislative oversight.

Wake-up, Wake-up, Wake-up

With Flouride and Alluminum running through our veins, we cannot muster the collective strength to rise...and think...research...analyze...make realistic conclusions and take action against a truly oppressive force stenching the high offices of this country. The Neocons, the one's bred by secret societies and developed within the ranks of the CIA and the dark ripples of influence who have control of the CIA control our country. We live in a Totalitarian state folks, we've done lost our Democracy!
We watched their ceremony of glory, how wretched and evil their sacrifice on 911. Yet we sit here completely unable to do a damn thing about it. Why is that?
We watched a second plane slam into the the twin tower. Then the buildings collapsed, wham, right onto themselves. A little later, WTC 7 goes down. What? WTC 7 had a small fire on it, yet they "pulled" the whole building? What is going on here folks that we as a nation did not stand up then and shout FOUL!
We were shocked, dumbfounded, angry and seething in retailiation. The good media then fed us the "official" reality of what was going on. This was followed by the propaganda repeated over and over by the White House.
We didn't question the unquestionable House and Senate who approved Bush going to war in Iraq. We sat in our lounge chairs watching a new reality series called "Shock and awe" played out on Bagdad.
Who are these people behind these henious major world events? These people need to be fettered out and removed from power. Problem is, the network is tremendously wealthy and webbed within many governments. Some 80% of us dissapprove of Bush and Cheney yet in our Democracy, all we can do is bite our nails as they continue to have power for 2 more years.
We have the 2 people at the top of our "democracy" who are receiving direct benefits from 911 and the wars in Afganistan and Iraq. Bush's oil buddys have always eyed placing a oil pipeline through Afganistan. Guess what Karzai did in his first action as leader of that country? You guessed it, signed off on an agreement to allow a pipeline through Afganistan. Now Cheney came directly from being an Executive with Halliburton to being Vice President of the United States. Wonder if Halliburton is making profits these days with their non-compete government contracts.
They are throwing it in our face, laughing at us knowing that they hold all of the strings of power and influence against us. They own the media that continues to draw us into a propagandized reality.
It's time to wake up, take back our democracy promised to us by our forefathers and create a new Constitution for the 21st century - a 21st Century Democracy.